
Previous projects

Check out some fantastic examples of my work with current clients!

Woof Gang Grooming CT

A business website for a local pet bakery and groomer, this site includes some more complex user experiences including a spa menu, contact form, and testimonials

Check it out
Preview image of Woof Gang Grooming home page

Marquis and Mine

A beautifully designed interactive website for a wedding planner, complete with contact information, a visual showcase of her work, and cohesive branding throughout.

Check it out
Preview image of Marquis and Mine homepage

JWP Handyman

A simple business website for a local handyman, a fantastic example of the quickest and easiest type of site to get up and running for your business!

Check it out
Preview image of JWP Handyman home page

Personal Site

An example of how you can bring your resume to life as a website to wow potential employers or anyone looking to view your experience and background!

Check it out
Preview image of personal site main page